If you are looking to have AC Party Rentals advertise with your organization you must completely fill out our advertisement request form. All requests for advertisements by AC Party Rentals or any of its affiliated regional foundations must be submitted through our online application system. Those requests meeting specific guidelines, and further our strategic goals and objectives, will be considered. Applications that are faxed or mailed will be returned to the organization with an invitation to apply through the online application. Please help us by submitting your requests according to the following required guidelines:

  • Complete the AC Party Rentals Advertisement Request below.
  • Attach any associated materials that you feel are necessary for us to make a decision.
  • Submit the application at least 10 weeks prior to the date the request is needed.

* Please remember, applications that do not meet all of the above requirements will automatically be declined. Due to the enormous response, we cannot respond to phone calls or emails regarding the status of your application

Advertisement Request Application

    Name of Organization

    Non-Profit Federal Identification Number

    Contact Name

    Contact Title


    Telephone Number

    Type of Advertisement being requested:        MagazineOnlineEvent SponsorBannerOther

    Date of Event

    Expected Attendance


    What is the medium that our advertisement will be displayed? What markets and categories of exposure will AC Party Rentals receive? How will the contribution of AC Party Rentals be recognized?

    Application prepared & submitted by:

    Today's Date

    Attach associated materials:

    *Only file type accepted is PDF
